Qu'est-ce que psaume 139 (138) ?

"Psalm 139 (138)" is a biblical passage found in the Book of Psalms, specifically in chapter 139. It is a well-known and celebrated psalm, often quoted for its powerful portrayal of God's omniscience, omnipresence, and intimate knowledge of every individual.

The psalm is attributed to King David and is a deeply personal reflection on the relationship between humanity and God. It expresses a profound sense of awe and wonder at the magnitude and depth of God's knowledge and presence in every aspect of the human experience.

The psalm begins with David acknowledging God's complete understanding of him, stating, "O Lord, you have searched me and known me." David recognizes that God knows his thoughts, actions, and even his words before he speaks them. There is nowhere David can go to escape God's presence, as God is everywhere, both in the highest heavens and in the darkest depths. David marvels at the depth of God's knowledge, noting that even before he was formed in the womb, God knew him.

As the psalm continues, David reflects on the divine protection and guidance he receives from God. He acknowledges that God's thoughts toward him are countless, more numerous than the grains of sand. Even in times of trouble, God is with him, leading and guiding him along the right path. David expresses his desire for God to search him thoroughly and reveal any offensive way in him. He places his trust in God, knowing that God's presence and love will sustain him.

The psalm concludes with David's plea for God to examine his heart and see if there is any wickedness within him. He submits himself to God's scrutiny, asking to be led in the everlasting way of righteousness.

Overall, "Psalm 139 (138)" is a profound reflection on the divine nature of God and the intimate relationship between the Creator and creation. It highlights the understanding that God is intimately involved in every aspect of human life and calls for a deep trust and submission to God's guidance and presence.
